10th May, 2021
             As usual it's been awhile since I last did this.  I was about to gingerly tackle my grossly overgrown and undertended vege garden when I remembered to do this instead. 

#  First business to address is the fast approaching May/June six week Freehand Drawing Workshop in Hervey Bay.  I've capped class size to eight since Co-Vid  and since I've had a recent cancellation and two who couldn't make all six classes so decided to organise private lessons instead, there are some vacant seats in the Sunday six-week workshop now so if you are keen to participate or would like to know more please contact me either by phone  41 287682  or  0401 543327  or via email  art@seaofpain.com
              I'm in an abysmal reception area so please leave a message with your contact number if can't get me on the "landline" or the "mobile" (parenthesis intended) and I will return your call.  These few seats will fill quickly if the past year is anything to go by so don't sit on your hands if you  want to take advantage of the chance to improve your freehand drawing skills, the keystone to all serious artistic intent (excuse the understatement).

#  One of my former students of several six-week workshops, Sharon Lankowski, has been kind enough to share her latest impressive and beautiful freehand drawing original with me and with her blessing am pleased to share to the wider world.  This highly detailed exquisitely precise work is titled "Frizzle"  (on right)

             Hope everyone is making the most of the continuing Co-Vid funworld we now inhabit, I'm sure it will all be a fading memory before we know it  (sometimes before can be a fair way ahead though) and always remember what I'm sure more than one famous person famously said "No matter how bad it seems, it could always be worse".  Sort of my life motto and endless font of inspiration when tackling life in constant chronic pain and/or any joyously worthwhile obsessive creative project that has a more than even chance of ending in disaster (or not).
             I see all as art and always have as it turns out with the inevitable gift of timeburnt factual hindsight and surrendered to and accepted more and more no less as the rings multiply with causitive opening of mind I think, so thought I'd throw in a few images of recent intentional/unintentional creative compulsive molecular arrangements in my own world, pictures being worth a thousand words and all.  Far too many directions being wondered and surged at now with no hope to express it here in any acceptably credulous way so will leave it there to do as other famous humans said "How can I write about it when I'm still doing it".  So do as I do and go unto your miraculous sentience in awed wonder as the rare seconds unfold,
                                                                                                                                                  they get a lot rarer as we go along,
                                                                                                                                                                                            cheers, Brett
#  I finally got around to nailing down another long running project in the way of my latest poem "Cicadas" which I've just now put in the poetry section.  It was the last sort of thing I'd ever have thought of writing (poeming?) hmmm, writing about but after hearing about it all unfolding in real life over years from one of my closest friends it was the sort of thing that pretty much had to write itself which it eventually did after a lot of tweaking, twisting, stretching and squeezing, or in other words poeming. 

#  I finally had the chance to to get down to my ex studio manager Cloudygirl's joint and fulfil a promise to complete a couple of stained glass windows based on the JPC designs in which of course she is featured as the Queen of Hearts.  I used highly adhesive specialised leadstripping and multiple coats of automotive clear acrylic lacquer topcoat thinly coloured with pure tint and a paintbrush, figuring how hard could it be to wing it?  Lucky I'm so used to massively steep learning curves, it was actually a very difficult job that took more than a fortnight in the end with many almost catastrophic tribulations along the way but as failure was not one of the options available my brain and my back, which very often do not get on at all, persisted and finally attained a more than acceptable result.  Out of sheer random chance the first time the sun shone through and blew coloured light across the interior was the first time she had actually slept in her new hard won bush-pole house. 

# A final very sad note to end on, a very close brother from another mother has just succumbed to extensive cancer last night after a short savage battle he was never going to win.  Anyone that ever knew Rocket Rodney Lonsdale even slightly would know that he was never going to give an inch right up until his final breath.  One of the last of a truly tough old school breed, he was an extraordinary man of many talents who would give you the shirt off his back and will be sorely missed by many, in fact his passing is nothing short of an end of an era.  So long live Rocket, you will not be forgotten my friend.

#  Cloudy also wanted a large pastel rainbow down two sides of her new flash humpy so I mixed the seven colours for her with white house paint and red, yellow and blue pure tint and set her loose with a paintbrush.  She is excellent at cutting in and had it all doneski in two days flat unlike Muggins in the stained glass department.  It was harder than I thought to make up the seven colours in pastel tones without any being overwhelmed (or overpowered) tonally from the others.  The poor old studio ute was parked just a bit too close to the frenetic colour mixing area and scored some direct hits of intentional/unintentional spatter in the process (part of the joy of a truly battered ute is being able to flick paint at it with no remorse), I asked Cloudy if she'd like her ute to suffer a similar "accidental colour vomiting".  She politely declined.  The pastel rainbow idea worked out great.

this is the result of sticking a feather I found walking the dog in the back of a mirror Sharyn left on my bathroom wall "til she got her house finished". This is hmmm ten odd years later of EVERY feather found after that being "added" because I had to.  Time and nuts is also art ifinya let it be.  Sharyn wanted her mirror so I had to take a picture before the thing I'd been watching slowly grow for a decade was destroyed forever.  Weird I know, but art no less
rainbow hippy vomit:  badge of indifference to existing paintjobs
Guest quarters at Cloudygirls joint.  Very lush camp, note temporary bull terrier compound built on
Studio dog out on his "viewing platform" (actually the old ute canopy I bought was too short so had to do something) as we set out South 800km's to the hidden valley.  He likes a road trip.  His open bit out the front is perfect when it gets too hot inside so it was the right canopy in the end.
About a week and a halves worth of pineapples from the local farm cart.  Ate pretty much nothing but pineapples for years (literally) until an enzyme in it finally stripped off too many layers of protein (evidently) from my mouth and throat faster than it could be replaced and I ran out of skin sort of, which felt like trying to swallow a rock covered in acid that wouldn't go down for three months before I figured it out.  Shame, I feel like one right now, maybe when my throat grows back.  That's why I really need to kick my vege garden in the guts again. 
Fancy humpy
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27th October 2021,
              Six months have flashed by in a sweaty welter of unpredictably lurching explosions of painful effort on what seems to be an ever growing list of repairs, maintenance and creative projects.  I never even came close to finding time to do the regular website update and FB post a fortnight out from the most recent (Sept/Oct) workshop.  That workshop has just wrapped up, by all accounts it was a very pleasant experience for all involved including myself. 
*The class of Sept/Oct 2021.  An excellent company, one of which was Trish Abernathy, very friendly owner of "B Creative with T", excellent (and only) art supplies shop in the Bay.  Support your local art supplies shop.  I think the workshops have been somewhat less hectic and more relaxed since I dropped the class cap to eight students at the beginning of all this CoVid fun.  
# Which brings me to important news regarding the future of all local and out-of-town workshops and private lessons.  I've been teaching since 2008  without a break and have come a long way from then on many fronts, hundreds of students have benefitted from learning my techniques, helping some become blue ribbon freehand fine artists in their own right.  It has been a big part of my arts business and has done me a lot of good in many ways as well, not to mention getting me out of my cherished cave and interacting with other creative minded humans a few times a year.  Unfortunately the chronic spinal pain I've lived with since 1996 has continued to worsen with the passing of time, subsequently the thought of having a year off from teaching has been floating around my brain like an unmoored boat for a couple of years.  On top of that I've been attacking various existing and new projects, some long put off due to the rigid self imposed perogative of art business (particularly drawing) trumping ALL other activity for so long I'm now finding myself playing catch-ups to get the place properly organised, sustainable and future-proofed the best I can before I get too old and/or feeble, including a substantial fire defence system (see below), rainwater tanks, vege gardens, and best of all........

#......plans and preparations for a new building which will be the SOPFAP gallery.  Eeeeee.....ventually anyway....with my back the way it is it's going to take quite a long time even once it's up to get it to the point at which I can actually hang anything on a wall but I learnt long ago nothing ever happens if you don't dream, plan, begin, then push the project over all bumps and obstacles like an angry front rower til it inevitably materialises in actuality.  Easy enough to say.  I'm a good way in there with site prepared and marked out, all LED lighting and wiring and other materials scored and secured, architectual plans well on the way (wellll...... artist plans anyway.  If I can draw the way I do I can certainly do a line drawing of accurately scaled plans and elevations.  For a chore I'm actually finding it very engaging, it's quite fun designing a multi-purpose gallery as it turns out.  Who would have thunk....   
* Last time for awhile I'll be drawing at HBAS for hours before students turn up.  I've always had to get there by 5:30am so I can slowly set up the room and carefully lug all the class gear in from the ute.  It makes my back hurt so much I have to have a good few hours before class starts to be in anywhere near a fit enough (?) state to teach for three hours.  So I do all I have to and then alternate between drawing and lying down until 9:30 or so.  This is my little pre-dawn drawing station at HBAS. 
On top of everything else and what has to be the straw that broke the camel's back is CoVid19.  I've managed to safely conduct six-week workshops all through 2020 and 2021 with Qld managing against all the odds to keep the rotten thing out of the state for the most part.  All that will end by xmas this year when the border opens.  The fact is it really makes no difference that only the vaccinated will be allowed into Qld, it's no secret that you can still catch and pass on CoVid once fully vaccinated so it will almost immediately start spreading to every corner of Qld once the large NSW and Vic viral loads irrevocably pours across the border.  I'm vaccinated and will be lining up for the booster when it becomes available.  My back already makes it all but impossible to sustain an independent lifestyle let alone get anything more than the basics done, If I got CoVid and it turned into long CoVid that would be the end of my life the way it is now.  I've already been to hell and back so often over the years I've worn a track you could follow at night.  I never want to go back to those depths and would do pretty much anything to avoid it. 

             So I've decided to suspend all workshops and private lessons for 2022

I've already set dates for resumption of six-week workshops for 2023 back at the excellent HBAS facilities I've used for ten years or so and taken the opportunity (we ARE in a time of change) to review the long standing start dates and made a couple of big tweaks there too.  I'm already accepting bookings for 2023 workshops (the Feb/March 2023 workshop is already half-full).  I reckon the CoVid dust may have settled by then.

I'll still be conducting private lessons at the SOP studio for the remainder of 2021 but if you want in on that don't sit on your hands, since recently making my plans known to just a few people I have numerous private sessions booked already.  Places for private lessons are limited but still available.  Please go to Drawing Classes and Workshops for further details.
#  This is budding magician and cardist Jimmy Green, he and his family took a holiday in Burrum Heads, young Jimmy went to the local shop to see if there were any decks of cards he hadn't seen before and much to his surprise found my Aussie designed Jones Playing Cards on sale (he'd had to use Yankee designed Bicycle cards up til then).  He and his father visited the studio a couple of times and bought a quantity of decks and uncut sheets from me and Jimmy showed me some of his extremely impressive tricks and manipulations.  I was so amazed I gave him quite a few spare cards from incomplete decks to use as "gaff cards" in his tricks.  Good on you Jimmy, best of luck with your dreams.

      Very pleased to supply an up and coming Oz superstar with Oz cards.  JPC cards are specifically designed with cardists (card trick people) in mind as well as general card play, and remain to this day the one and only entire playing card deck design to come out of Australia.  They are available locally from several outlets and from this website for those further afield and overseas.  
Jimmy doing his thing at SOP.  I could tell he was a natural.  It was great to see the JPC's used for tricks first hand.  Jimmy says he is on Instagram for those of you who know of such things.
#  The next two stages of the SOP fire defence system.  The first was the fire trailer I built at the start of last year (image in archived Latest News).  My block is 80 metres long with lots of big trees so just a fire trailer down the back was never going to save the farm in a firestorm.  The image on the left is 'Central Station' half way up the block with 3000 litres of water, two 19mm (one of them 72m long that I can reach outside either end of the block with) and one 25mm firehose (water cannon).

     The image on the right is 'studio station' up near the front of the block, 1000 litres with both 19mm and 25mm hoses.  All pumps are big double impeller Onga Blazemasters.  I can now stand in one spot at 'studio station' and hit the neighbours house on either side with two litres of water a second just from the 25mm hose alone.  Yee-hah  (Hopefully they'll never need to find out just how good a neighbour I am).  Next stage now underway is a 12200 litre rainwater tank behind the workshop with another Honda powered Onga Blazemaster pump as well as a big 100 litre a minute electric pump and 25mm transfer hoses so I can replenish the other stations without relying on mains.  Once new building is up, another rainwater tank/pump/hoses etc and then hose 'clampstands' around the yard.  Got 1500 degree foundry suits, helmets, respirators etc. That ought to do it I reckon.
# A bit of SOP wildlife to finish, I see amazing things every day in my little forest but these images I just had to share.  These beautiful orange bugs were right up high in a wattle tree having a party.  It is spring I suppose. 
      Speaking of spring, I nearly tripped over this beautiful pair.  They didn't seem all that happy when I fetched the camera but it didn't seem to dampen their natural instincts for long.  I now know the smaller one is a girl, she has lived deep under the slab of my workshop for years in a lovely goanna hotel she's made for herself I just can't bring myself to destroy so the ute has to live outside with a tarp over it now.

       Her large extremely handsome visitor hung around for ages and took his sweet time doing what comes natural three times just while I was there.  After he finally left she waited outside her door right next to where I was, looking for him for the rest of the day but he never came back.  Like lizard tinder I guess.  I'm pretty sure she's full of eggs now by the look of her which is about as groovy as it gets.

       If you haven't figured it out yet, I like animals better than humans mostly.
#  Oh yeah, one last bit of news, the FaceBook 'page' my old manager Cloudygirl kindly built for me years ago to try and help raise money for the playing cards on an ill-fated tilt at Kickstarter was never really my page but rather an appendage of hers.  She wanted to shut it all down years ago but I was using it a few times a year to let people know when I'd updated this website.  Well, her account got hacked, she lost money, all her contacts got hassled and it took her ages to sort it all out.  Then it happened again.  So no more.  Facebook is no longer connected in any way with SOPFAP (or Cloudygirl).  There were around 550 people being notified through it when I updated this site, apologies to those loyal followers of seaofpain.com, you'll just have to check in from time to time from now on.

             I've never thought much of any kind of social media which is why apart from the now defunct FB page I have zero presence on any social media platform.  I like.  I figure other people liking or not liking whatever I'm doing really has no bearing on it in my strange head except maybe in an interfering or negative way.  Definitely a pointlessly distracting way.  That's just me though, I already haven't got anywhere near enough heartbeats each day to do a tiny fraction of what is relentlessly ricocheting round and round the infinity inside my headbone.  Lots miss out altogether.  Social media doesn't even make it onto the bottom of the list.  

     So...I'm actually excited about doing the Grizzly Adams thing for all of 2022, removing myself from the rest of the world for a whole year is actually something I've always wanted to do and never had the chance.  I think regular humans call it a sabbatical.  I'm going to try and update this portal to the other bit of my species a few times during next year just so you know I'm not dead on the kitchen floor with the neighbourhood cats eating my face.  Oh, and to let you know what I've been relentlessly smashing my brain and back up against of course, ha ha ha.
      Enjoy your own 2022 the best way you can, itsa gonna bea interesting out there to say the least.  I'll try and remember to look over the fence now and then,
       cheers, best wishes and good luck to you all, Brett
Website update- 24th August 2022

Been much longer than I had planned since last update with not the 'sabbatical' year I was hoping it would be unfolding (so far anyway).  I have been either physically and mentally unable to do this up til now or putting it off until I had something positive to report as I've always hated the idea of using this as a forum for whining about personal problems rather than actual Sea of Pain news.  But since we are now undoubtedly well amongst an unimpeachably unprecedented era of (mostly bad) irreversible changes to life, the universe and everything I figured I'd bend with the new wind direction and tell you my own version of the shit sandwich sometimes known as 2022. 

Well, we actually have to go back to the last update in October to get a start on it, after the last six week drawing workshop of 2021 concluded I put it out there that I would be accepting new private students until the border to the plague infested south opened on the 13th of December.  Over the following seven weeks my book was always full and I met some lovely and diverse new students and many very productive and enjoyable private sessions were had here in my studio.  Among the interesting characters were an 85yo lady who filled me with inspiration with her passion for life, an amazing Filipino lady trying her best to recover (and relearn) after serious brain surgery and a very enthusiastic and quirky newly retired Metricon executive who bailed from the Mexican chaos just before the entire southern fan became irrevocably turd coated. 

All enjoyed the experience except my ever worsening back of course which has deteriorated so much now I was quite relieved when the 13th Dec inevitably rolled around and my "year off" from all teaching for the first time since 2008 finally began.  I was genuinely looking forward to it as I have always wanted to do the Grizzly Adams thing for a year or so (or more) and just utterly immerse myself in all the long planned creative project/s in all the many and varied mediums available to me without ANY distractions or responsibilities but my back had unfortunately reached the point at which further medical investigation was no longer optional so I finally got a long put off CT scan to have a good squiz under the bonnet, during which the radiologist managed to crush my lower legs and feet which took weeks to come good but I digress.

It turns out: down at the pelvis end I have a broadly bulging disc, 65% stenosis (narrowing of the space for the nervous column), very badly swollen main ligament, bridging osteophytes (bony spurs growing out from each side of the injured vertebrae), and epidural lipomatosis, which is a benign tumour wrapped around the base of my spine from past untreated trauma about ten years ago.  In the thoracic area (the original site of the work injury that ended my career as a Fitter and Turner back in 1996) I have severe vertebral wedging (side view of verebrae looking like a door wedge rather than a rectangle), 65% stenosis, severe disc deterioration (it's more or less gone altogether which explains why I can feel the bones grinding together), more bridging osteophytes and a Shmorl's Node (herniated disc up through bone into the neighbouring vertebrate rather than poking out sideways).

I'm now on a (very long) waiting list for back surgery for the lumbar area, the thoracic area remains every bit as surgically inaccessible as it was 26 years ago.  So for any and all the lovely knowledgeable humans who have ever doubted the seriousness or even existence of my severe chronic spinal pain over the past 26 years all I can possibly offer is the same advice the Ukrainian soldier on Snake Island gave the Russian warship (Google it if you live under a rock).

My much loved bull terrier Budweiser Jones (Buddy boy) died of old age and cancer on the 21st December a little while after midnight, I buried him next to bull terriers Nos.1&2 (Zenny girl and Guzzi boy) at first light.  He was 14 years, 2 months and 3 weeks old and despite him being very old and very sick his passing shattered me like a large pane of brittle glass that never saw the rock.

The big gallery project I put so much time, thought and energy planning and drawing up in great detail had to be abandoned as a bad joke in the end after the initial quote blew out to three times as much after many months waiting for them to get back to me, with a condition on the quote/contract (that I never signed) that I would also be liable for any and all extra costs and price increases until it was actually built at some misty unspecified point in the future plus any costs associated with engaging any official goons deemed necessary to chase me for anything outstanding!  Again with the unspoken but all purpose Russian warship reference. 

I caught Covid around mid Feb despite all my best laid plans and being fully vaccinated, whatever good that did.  The initial experience manifested itself mostly in the form of extreme fatigue, headache, and a nose that literally ran like a tap for a week or so, I thought I'd gotten off lightly after a couple of crook weeks but by early March it had re-descended upon me like a truck full of rocks and made me as ill as I've ever been in my life with constant bad headache, vertigo, chest pains, irregular heartbeat, painful dry cough, sore throat and lung issues so bad I had to consciously push and pull hard to get each shallow breathe in and out through what felt like a foot of wet sponge.

I was afraid to go to sleep as I would wake unable to breathe either in or out at all and have to quickly leap out of bed and pound my chest with a fist while frantically trying to get a breath either in or out (either being acceptable) until with an audible crack something would give and the painfully shallow pushing in and out would (thankfully) recommence.  This went on for weeks until I had to call my doctor one morning after wondering if I was going to make it through the night.  He prescribed large daily doses of antibiotics and steroids over the phone which helped straight away but it took another couple of weeks to really start improving. 

Only a couple of days after I could actually breathe in and out more than a tiny painful bit for the first time in many weeks on top of being as still sick as a dog the first kidney stone incident came out of the blue.  I had three separate full blown attacks within a week and another one a couple of weeks later, with urine that looked like muddy black paint after 10-12 hours of indescribable hell each time.  The Doc tested one jar full I gave him and found ten small kidney stones just in that sample alone.  More weeks of many excruciating and exhausting 10 hour episodes followed as more and more stones that never made it all the way worked their way out of my bladder, all while still being so sick from Covid I could barely function on any level.  The Doc gave me alpha blockers to help the remaining stones and sediment get out of my badly infected and inflamed renal system but the first one I took doubled my heart rate so not an option.   

Then I went through a week or two of my heart suddenly getting worse than ever, stopping and starting, fluttering and pounding with bad chest pains for hours at a time.    Through it all every muscle and tendon in my body hurt, with my spine in particular singing a song I never want to hear again (I never wanted to hear it in the first place which is why I tried so hard to avoid CoVid).  It all went on and on and back again for many months, I'm just starting to slowly come back to some form of (relative) good now although my general health is still quite aways from being back like it was last year with a cough that just won't go away, exhausted all the time but can't sleep.

Cloudy heard I'd had another kidney stone only three days after the first ordeal and got worried enough to drive the 800km north overnight from her busy solo life in her hidden valley to make sure I didn't cark it altogether (gotta love that hippy girl).

Apart from those four or five days I took care of it all myself in the studio with the help of the Endone pills I take for my back pain.  I learned you have to take half a dozen at the very first (unmistakeable) sign of coming kidney stone fun so the pills stay in your guts long enough to be absorbed before you enter the long hours of constant explosive diarrhoea and vomiting.  Even then it just takes enough of the edge off the hellish pain so you don't flog around sweating on the floor like a beached fish the whole time. So to all the humans that have offered unsolicited opinions, soap box rants and disparaging looks as to the severity and even existence of long CoVid I can only refer them back to the Russian warship remark.  It's fairly versatile. 

Everything in my life was put on hold, left to rot or had weeds grow around it during this whole challenging extended era of misery gutted illness and is only now slowly emerging into some kind of order and forward progress so it goes without saying the plans to seriously re-engage with the drawing board and easel during my 'time off' have yet to even sprout let alone bear any fruit.

I'll never forget the worst of it doing the past six months here on my Pat Malone (bugger going near a hospital these days) if I live to be a hundred.  To get through it I had to go to a place in my mind that was like an unlooked for spirit quest while on some exotic hallucinogen dragging horse skulls in the dust until you drop, with the answers to the meaning of life on offer if you make it out alive.  There's definitely something very special about staring wide-eyed at the howling abyss for extended periods.  The sort of thing that can't be bought no matter how much dough you've got.  It may sound cheesy and/or perverse to the uninitiated but I actually feel privileged to have had and survived such a f#cked experience on my own and feel wiser and happier about my entire life because of it (but I never want to go back there, ha ha ha). 

It's not over yet by a long chalk and nor is Covid generally by all accounts but I look to the future with a whole new appreciation, thankfulness and much more nuanced understanding of the ongoing miracle of sentient existence, in fact I will go as far as to say it has all been a mercilessly strict but incredibly effective teacher of the meaning and philosophy of life itself and made me even more exquisitely appreciative and enthusiastic about what is to come both artistically and mortally.  Life is a blue ribbon education if you're paying attention.

My apologies for all the whining but reality is what it is and I had to write some damn thing on here sooner or later.  I promise the next update will be less negative, more artistic and with fewer references to Russian warships.

I (still) am therefore I continue.......


          RIP  Budweiser Jones 
27th Sept 2007-  21st Dec 2021 

          Best dog I ever had